As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner is one of my all time favorite books and I think everyone should give it a read. It's a Southern Gothic and has lots of dark situational irony. The story basically follows this family, the Bundrens, as they try to get the body of their mother to a town where she wanted to be buried. Along the trip everything that could go wrong, does. I think it's an important read because the whole storyline revolves around the effects of death on each member of the family and shows how they each deal with it. It also helps show the true colors of these people and how they often reflect our own darkness. I don't think death is talked about as much as it should be in today's American culture. Although it is sad, everybody dies and we need to accept that.
My second cultural topic is about Bulgarian women's choirs. Their music is so cool and is found in SO MANY pop and cross cultural aspects. It is a really awesome thing to recognize in the most random seeming places.watch this one is called Kaval Sviri and it may or may not be on my most recent Spotify playlist. A bop. Here are some links to their music in other media.
My last super interesting thing is fractals!! Basically, fractals are these never ending patterns in math that eventually repeat themselves again and again. Nature is also full of fractals: in trees, ice crystals, clouds, rivers, coastlines, lightning, etc. These are really awesome to recognize because it makes me appreciate the spirals of pinecones just a little bit more :) There is one called the Mandelbrot set and I think it's the most famous fractal pattern. The second image is Romanesco cauliflower and it demonstrates self similarity really well in nature.